Star Signs
Just for fun, Mu has its own equivalent of star signs. Wow, very cool! There are two parts to a sea sign: The first part is based on the Spirit you were born under (based on the corresponding month, see above), called a Spirit Sign. The second part is based on the time you were born and is called your Sea Sign.
To obtain your full star sign, you simply append your sea sign and spirit sign together (ie “nautilus, golden” or “ray, mistral”). Sea signs reflect aspects of your personality, and spirit signs reflects elemental affinity and things you to rely on for growth. Whereas a favored spirit is a Spirit who you may model your goals after, your spirit sign is that which will push you towards those goals. It’s common to make your favored spirit be the spirit you were born under by default, though many people end up choosing their own in life.
For sea signs, you can take the uquiz here (the password is lc), or look below for summaries! Full individual descriptions are linked on the google doc.
Spirit Signs
Sea Signs
While The Surfacing is the event most known to separate the timeline betweens humans and the Shae, it’s The Flooding that is the sequential marker between Before Tide (BT) and After Shore (AS). 1 AS began the year right after The Flooding occurred. Most historical records of BT have been lost to time. The current year at the start of the story is 1799 AS.
Months in Mu follow a similar format as to Earth. There are four seasons that make up the calendar year, which can be broken down into twelve month equivalents. Each month is associated with a living Spirit, and each has exactly 30 days.​
The most widely spoken language of Humans is the Common Tongue, which is simply referred to as Common. There are minor accent differences spoken across different regions, and some isolated islands speak different dialects of Common.
Though Common is thought to have been developed from Shae’eru, the most widely used language spoken by The Shae, it is wildly different in terms of structure and vocabulary, though they share basic phonetic overlap. It’s thought that Common, under a different name, existed during Before Tide as well, indicating that multiple languages existed prior to the move to land.
Shae’eru is not fully understood. Archaeologists and linguists are working hard to understand the language fully. Some events will involve attempting to decode Shae’eru text based on the context of a document. There is a simple example listed in the google doc, but we have a live example on the website as well.