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As is everything in the world, magic is rooted in the elements: water, fire, earth, and air. Every form of magic is an extension of one of these elements. Note that all forms of magic are elemental and physical rather than mental (meaning no spells to charm, manipulate, or summon exist). Explicit healing magic also does not exist - healing is often left up to medics and apothecaries, though magic can be used to aid in the healing process (ie water magic being used to clean a wound). Water is the most common and easiest to learn, followed by earth, then air, then fire.


Additionally, magic is a learned skill; while you may obtain training at magical academies (the most popular of which is the Institution Arcanum in the Western Region), it can ultimately be learned without external help. Magical knowledge has been somewhat stagnant over the last century, and many magical secrets were lost after The Surfacing. Because of this, magic isn't completely understood. It's believed that magic is the ability to exert your presence tangibly on the world by harnessing water, heat, the land, or air. 


Simple magic is common across the world. Those fortunate enough to obtain an education in schools often learn their first spell - drawing a bubble out of water - when they're eight years old. However, magic is a muscle, and individuals frequently lose the ability to cast if they don't deliberately train. It’s thought that an individual’s star sign may affect the magics they’re able to obtain.


Those who dedicate their life to honing their magic - they are known as Arcanists






Water magic is thought to be the easiest for arcanists to learn due to the innate connections humans have with the ocean. It’s the most versatile form of magic, having offensive, defensive, and utility purposes due to the mass amount of water that can be found within Mu. Common forms of water magic include:

  • Shaping water to push away foes

  • Absorbing attacks 

  • Maneuvering currents

  • Purifying water/wounds

  • Creating shapes/illusions

  • Watering crops

  • Water breathing



Earth magic is the second easiest form of magic for humans to learn. Earth magic is strictly land-based, including stone, sand, dirt, etc. The primarily downside of earth magic is the inability to use it while seafaring, though advanced arcanists are able to extend earth magic to include metals and gems. Note that earth magic does not include the ability to manipulate plants. Earth magic is mainly defensive and utility focused. Common forms of earth magic include:

  • Shaping stone into building blocks

  • Creating fertile soil

  • Creating earth shields to absorb attacks

  • Shooting pieces of earth

  • Constructing buildings



Air magic is third hardest to learn; this is because Humans were born from the sea and survived on land, rather than in the clouds. Air magic is thought to be the least useful in Mu due to having fewer tangible benefits than the other magics. As such, it’s rare to see air arcanists; most arcanists who learn air magic do so to combine it with another element. Air magic is primarily utility focused. Common forms of air magic include:

  • Changing the direction of a breeze

  • Getting a burst of speed

  • Jumping higher

  • Throwing an opponent off balance

  • Pushing an opponent back



Fire magic is opposite to water, and as such, is extremely difficult to learn. Harnessing fire magic is easier when a source of fire is nearby, otherwise it requires amplifying the heat around you. As such, it’s more difficult to do at night than during the day. Fire magic is highly dangerous and volatile and has primarily offensive benefits. Common forms of fire magic include:

  • Burning an opponent

  • Creating light and heat

  • Wound cauterization 

  • Setting flammable objects aflame

  • Used in conjunction with gunpowder


Arcane focus

To cast magic, arcanists typically utilizes an arcane focus, a tool to help channel their magic. Arcane focuses are personal - “build your own focus” type shops have become popular in recent years. They may take the form of anything, but typically they contain items that represent the elements you’re trying to channel. For example, a water arcanist with a large staff decorated with sea shells, a fire arcanist with a sword made of lava rock, an air arcanist with a necklace of feathers, an earth arcanist with gem-decorated bracelets. Weapons may also serve as arcane focuses.

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