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Image by Ian Schneider

This is a story of myth and monster.

In the archipelagic world of Mu, humans are reliant on the sea. Most humans reside within one of the five region capitals, clinging to protective cities and established civilizations. Land is comparatively safer than the open ocean, which is unpredictable, ferocious, and has immeasurable danger. 


But ancient tales say the deep sea is the origin of humankind, and the proclivity for the ocean and adventure found within some humans is said to reflect their ancestry. 


Pirates are those humans who leave behind their life ashore, instead choosing to live on ships and with their crew. Their motivations are varied: Crime, exploration, treasure, fame. Thousands of known ships have been documented throughout the years, the most famous of which is the crew aboard The Leviathan. 


Led by the enigmatic Captain Kalypso Gold, her crew craved one thing: Adventure. They were not explicitly good or bad, instead led by the desire to explore, the thrill of the sea, and the temptation of ancient treasure. They were powerful, their pursuits were legendary, and their adventures were the subject of epic poems —


— And then 200 years ago, they disappeared.


Their ship was never found, nor were their bodies. The exploits of The Leviathan went down in history books and songs, and no crew since has been able to hold a candle up to their deeds. 


Until now.


Whispers of the haunting return of Captain Gold and The Leviathan have reached port cities, drawing in both the curious and the foolish. The Captain and her First Mate are alone, and its rumored that they’re working to rebuild a crew before conquering the seas a second time.

Whatever your reason, you’re drawn to the island where the ship is rumored to be recruiting. The ocean calls to you, and it just happens to be The Leviathan that you’ve chosen to board.

The Ocean is Calling.

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